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Couverture de Flawless Consulting (4th Edition)

Flawless Consulting (4th Edition)

De : Peter Block
Lu par : Graham Rowat
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    Renowned consultant and author Peter Block delivers the latest and fourth edition of his bestselling Flawless Consulting, an intuitive and insightful step-by-step guide to the five phases of effective consulting. The book offers a deep exploration of the skills, tools, and behaviors required to successfully influence others. You'll see exactly what you need to say and do to help others achieve their goals, whether you are an internal or external consultant or anyone in a leadership position who wants to build effective partnerships in business, healthcare, education, or community work.

    Along with newly updated examples, case studies, stories, and suggestions for putting the flawless consulting process into everyday practice, you'll find: a new section for consultants living in a highly virtual world that explains how to achieve authentic engagement with your clients in virtual and hybrid environments; invaluable information for leaders and internal consultants operating within their organizations; and techniques for successful contracting and discovery.

    For over forty years Flawless Consulting has been the go-to guide to building trust and structuring meaningful partnerships with others for greater influence and impact. This latest edition ensures that the book will remain the gold standard in the industry for many years to come.

    ©2023 Peter Block (P)2023 Ascent Audio

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