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Couverture de Faux Feminism

Faux Feminism

De : Serene Khader
Lu par : Sharmila Devar
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    For fans of Hood Feminism and Against White Feminism

    An incisive examination of how the pillars of feminism have eroded—and how all women, not just the white neoliberals, can rebuild them

    After over 175 years, the feminist movement, now in its fourth wave, is still an invite-only club. In Faux Feminism, political philosopher Serene Khader argues against this approach, one that overwhelmingly serves affluent, white, neoliberal women. Inviting the listener into the conversation with empathy and passion, Khader inspects the movement’s faulty foundation and imagines a new, more resilient path forward.

    A feminist mythbuster, Khader begins by identifying, defining, and debunking prevailing false ideologies like the freedom, restriction, and individualism myths. Thought to be the pillars of good feminism, these “faux feminisms” may appeal to many but, in truth, only benefit the few. Faux Feminism asks listeners to think critically about

    The Freedom Myth: The overarching misconception that feminism is about personal freedom rather than collective equality

    The Individualism Myth: The pervasive idea that feminism aims to free individual women from social expectations

    The Culture Myth: The harmful misconception that “other” cultures restrict women’s liberation

    The Restriction Myth: The flawed belief that feminism is a fight against social restrictions

    The Judgment Myth: The fallacy of celebrating women’s choices without first interrogating the privileges afforded or denied to the women

    In later chapters, Khader draws on global and intersectional feminist lessons of the past and present to imagine feminism’s future. She pays particular attention to women of color, especially those in the Global South. Khader recounts their cultural and political stories of building a more inclusive framework in their societies. These are the women, she argues, from whom today’s feminists can learn.

    Khader’s critical inquiry begets a new vision of feminism: one that tackles inequality at the societal, not individual, level and is ultimately rooted in community.

    ©2024 Serene Khader (P)2024 Beacon Press Audio

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