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Couverture de If I Loved You Less

If I Loved You Less

De : Aamna Qureshi
Lu par : Sharmila Devar
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    A joyful romantic comedy retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma!

    “This book is perfect. IF I LOVED YOU LESS is a deeply romantic, laugh-out-loud love story with sizzling tension and beautiful descriptions that made me wish I was in Long Island in the winter. The world Qureshi has written is a comforting, magical little bubble full of characters with such depth and love for each other, and I want to burrow into the pages like a bookmark and never leave. A thousand stars." – Sarah Hogle, author of YOU DESERVE EACH OTHER

    I know what you’re thinking: poor little rich girl, she has everything, what else could she possibly need? Well, I’m looking for the great love of my life, thank you very much.

    For Long Island native Humaira Mirza, it’s always been about love – and she has the matchmaking track record to prove it. Having successfully found ‘the one’ for both her aunt and her sister, the twenty-three-year-old is ready to claim a bit of romance for herself.

    The perfect candidate? The gorgeous Rizwan Ali. But as Humaira employs her unique skills to obtain the perfect match with Rizwan, she’s forced to endure the disapproval of family friend Fawad Sheikh who she’s known forever. Fawad and Humaira have long traded barbs but as her romantic meddling leads to unintentional misadventures, she realises something shocking – is she starting to care what Fawad thinks?

    ©2024 Aamna Qureshi (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    'Emma is my absolute favourite of all of Austen’s novels, and it’s a rare retelling that lives up to it. If I Loved You Less does. It’s joyful, funny and full of such wonderful, earnest warmth.' — Sangu Mandanna, bestselling author of The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches

    'I loved IF I LOVED YOU LESS a lot! Fun, fast-paced, with an unapologetic, cheeky heroine and a deliciously stoic hero, it’s a wonderfully vivid rom com.’ – Evie Dunmore

    If I Loved You Less is an incredibly endearing rom-com that will leave you breathless and begging for more. The sizzling chemistry between the characters leaps off the pages, and their hilarious misadventures of the heart will have you laughing until your sides hurt. This book is the perfect pick-me-up for anyone looking for a light-hearted and fun escape.’ – Kyla Zhao, author of The Fraud Squad

    'Charming, warm and delightful – the meddling Humaira Mirza's antics are sure to put a smile on your face!’ – Uzma Jalaluddin, internationally bestselling author of Much Ado About Nada

    'Rich, nuanced and delicious, Aamna Qureshi cooks up a fresh recipe using classic tropes and ingredients to deliver a dish you don’t want to miss!’ – Nisha Sharma, author of Dating Dr Dil

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