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Couverture de Elrod Deupree

Elrod Deupree

De : Bonnie N. Turner
Lu par : Carl Candiano
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    Elrod Deupree was just going about a normal day in his self-imposed hell as the father of his newly adopted nieces. He had been the owner of Deupree Logging Company ever since his own father's death in a logging truck accident 25 years ago. At 15, the responsibly of his brother, sister, and mother fell upon him. Now he is guardian to his sister's four girls while mama, Beula Bell, pulls 10 years in the big house for growing pot.

    The walnut smell that escaped from the overloading logging truck as Millison was following it down Union Bridge Hill made her start to make bets on how far it would shoot out into the lake and whether it would flip over before impact with the lakebed. She had no empathy for a driver who failed to check his brakes, making him a danger to everyone else on the road.

    Besides, her bootlegger was waiting on her in Franklin County. This inconvenience to her day just irritated her as she watched the truck speed up, and as it reached the bottom of the hill, it shot across the parking lot, and on outward in the air, into the lake.

    She considered just driving on by, but she saw the image of four little girls standing over a pine casket.

    "Damn it, looks like I will be getting my hair wet," Millison sighed, as she pulled into the parking area and stood watching as the air bubbles were coming up out of the lake.

    ©2022 Bonnie N. Turner (P)2022 Bonnie N. Turner

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