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Couverture de Lost


De : Bonnie N. Turner
Lu par : Raddigan
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    The train ride was going to be the first trip the twins had ever taken. Tilley and Faith Hall had just met their absentee father, Tillis Grasdon, a few weeks before; now they are going to live with him and his mother, Agnes. They have their new clothes in new suitcases, for their life of extreme poverty had never afforded them anything new until now.

    With promises of the finest schools and a better life in Roanoke, Virginia, they leave their mother, Marcie Hall, and Wilmington, NC, behind them. Nervous and excited, they realize their father is drinking this early in the morning, and he sleeps most of the day all the way to Bedford, Virginia. Tilley finally awakens him, begging to take Faith to the dining car for they both are so hungry.

    From the passenger car to the dining car is only about a hundred yards, but somewhere along the way the girls vanish. Lost in the woods of rural Virginia in 1875, two eight-year-old girls learn the art of survival and who not to trust.

    ©2021 Bonnie N. Turner (P)2022 Bonnie N. Turner

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