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  • Effective Communication in Business

  • Listening and Speaking Strategies, Dialog Skills to Have Success in Your Business
  • De : George Ratson
  • Lu par : Michael Thomas
  • Durée : 3 h et 37 min

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Effective Communication in Business

De : George Ratson
Lu par : Michael Thomas
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    Do you want to take your business to the next level? Do you and employees struggle to communicate? Then this audiobook is for you.

    Communication skills are vital to the heart of any business. Without the ability to communicate clearly, jobs get done poorly and your business suffers as a result. But you don’t need to struggle through this important skill - Effective Communication in Business breaks down the fundamentals of business communication, giving you a detailed, step-by-step analysis of everything you need to know.

    From understanding the seven C’s of effective communication to debunking common myths and misconceptions, this audiobook is a must-listen guide for any aspiring or established entrepreneur who wants to take their business to the next level.

    Inside this comprehensive guide, you’ll discover:

    • Why business communication should be your top priority
    • The job of internal communications
    • The 7 C’s of effective business communication
    • Tips for boosting consumer trust naturally
    • Essential, must-know standards of business communication
    • Common myths about business communication debunked
    • And so much more

    No matter where your business is in its life, internal communication is the key between a business that thrives and one that fails to get off the ground. This audiobook arms you with all the tools you need to master this essential skill, and make sure your entire business runs smoothly no matter how large or small!

    Buy now to supercharge your communication and take your business to the next level!

    ©2019 George Ratson (P)2020 George Ratson

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