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  • Effective Communication in Life

  • Secrets and Communication Skills to Improve Your Social Life
  • De : George Ratson
  • Lu par : Connor Curlewis
  • Durée : 3 h et 12 min

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Effective Communication in Life

De : George Ratson
Lu par : Connor Curlewis
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    Supercharge your communication skills and become the master of social situations with this powerful guide!

    Do you want to become a more effective communicator? Do you want to boost your leadership skills? Or do you simply want to become more social? Then, this book is for you.

    With a detailed breakdown of the fundamentals of social skills, this comprehensive guide offers a profound insight into the lost art of communication. Being able to communicate clearly with others is an essential skill for building relationships and succeeding in life. Now, this audiobook arms you with the tools you need to become the master of any social situation and supercharge your ability to connect with others.

    From debunking common myths to drastically boosting your listening skills, leadership abilities, and learning how to form better relationships, inside this guide, you’ll discover:

    • The secrets to effective communication
    • Common communication myths debunked
    • Ways to build your leadership skills and influencing others
    • Step-by-step instructions for communication in relationships
    • Reasons why listening is just as important (if not more) than talking
    • Methods to drastically boost your argument and debate skills
    • Reasons why saying less equals saying more
    • Common barriers to effective communication
    • And much more!

    With reference to communication in the digital world, nonverbal communication, and the subconscious messages we send out to people every day, this audiobook is a powerful tool for mastering communication. So, don’t wait - supercharge your communication skills, become a better influencer, and become the master of any social situation today!

    Buy now to begin your journey to becoming a better communicator.

    ©2019 George Ratson (P)2019 George Ratson

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