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  • Eddie Winston Is Looking for Love

  • A Novel
  • De : Marianne Cronin
  • Durée : 12 h

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Couverture de Eddie Winston Is Looking for Love

Eddie Winston Is Looking for Love

De : Marianne Cronin
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    The author of the beloved international hit The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot returns with a funny, uplifting story about the power of friendship and finding love in unexpected places.

    Eddie Winston is 90 years old. He has lived and he has loved, but he has never been kissed.

    A true gentleman and incurable romantic, Eddie spends his days volunteering at a charity shop, where he sorts through the donations of the living and the dead, preserving letters and tokens of love along the way. And it is here that he meets Bella, a troubled young woman who, at 24 years old, has just lost the love of her life.

    When Bella learns that Eddie is yet to have his first kiss, she resolves to help Eddie Winston finally find love, sparking an adventure that will take them to unexpected places and, they hope, bring Eddie Winston to the moment he has waited for all his life.

    A tale of friendship and kindness that reminds us that those we love are never forgotten and it is never too late to try again.

    ©2024 Marianne Cronin (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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