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  • Dump the Drama

  • A Handbook for Coming Home to Your Authentic Heart and Creating Empowering, Fulfilling Relationships
  • De : Kendana Kay
  • Lu par : Kendana Kay
  • Durée : 3 h et 58 min

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Dump the Drama

De : Kendana Kay
Lu par : Kendana Kay
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    Drama can be sneaky:

    • At work, you eat in the car to avoid colleagues that offend your sensibilities.
    • In your parenting, you shake a little at parent-teacher conferences, subtly equating your worth with your kid’s performance.
    • In your friendships, you manipulate your schedule to avoid running into that person who shared that post on Facebook.
    • In your marriage, you avoid your shared bedtime, so that crucial conversation never happens.
    • In your spirituality, you toggle between avoiding God and blaming God, disgruntled because life feels unfair.
    • You blame, shame, and castigate yourself, subjugating yourself to other’s demands, rather than clearly owning your desires and values.

    Is it possible to create and keep fulfilling relationships?

    Relationship coach and #1 Amazon best-selling author Kendana Kay believes so. She invites you to surrender to the stories and solutions within this audiobook. To gently pick up the keys and unravel the hidden drama in your life. You’ll discover what you believe is “fine” in your life will metamorphose into a life that actually feels really good, a life you love living.

    This comforting and catalyzing listen will help you to:

    • Feel more seen, heard, and loved
    • Communicate in ways that invite connection rather than defensiveness or withdrawal
    • Identify and drop what is not your responsibility in any relationship without feeling guilty
    • Enhance your connection with others, even when your values and beliefs aren’t shared
    • Recognize how childhood trauma predisposes us to drama, and learn to release drama while being trauma aware
    • Experience fewer triggering moments produced by (until now) unrecognized drama
    ©2023 Kendana Kay (P)2023 Kendana Kay

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