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  • Kissing with Eyes Wide Open

  • How Ten Pregnancies, Religious Trauma, and Gritty Faith Helped Create an Extraordinary Marriage
  • De : Kendana Kay
  • Lu par : Kendana Kay
  • Durée : 11 h et 27 min

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Kissing with Eyes Wide Open

De : Kendana Kay
Lu par : Kendana Kay
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    After nearly forty years of marriage, church ministry, and homeschooling a family of 10, Kendana lost Johnny to a sudden illness. This audio holds the lessons their lives unleashed in a way that feels like The Notebook meets The Shack.

    Listen to her beautiful, simple words, as Kendana tells of her enduring romance with a farmer boy, their journey through heartbreak, their fierce passion for community, and the surprisingly healing embrace of covenants honored.

    In this witty and bravely honest memoir, Kendana grapples with the following dilemmas:

    • How do you figure out your relationship with God when Christianity feels toxic?
    • How do you thrive in the wake of betrayal, loneliness, and broken dreams?
    • How do you hold space for a struggling spouse … lovingly and fruitfully?
    • How in the world can an Enneagram Type 6 and Type 3 navigate compatibility?
    • When you are fearful, overwhelmed with the demands of children, and confused about your place in the world, is it possible to create an epic marriage?

    Find hope in relational struggles you currently face and inspiration to create your own exceptional marriage with this book.

    ©2023 Kendana Kay (P)2023 Kendana Kay

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