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Couverture de Doctor Chopra Says

Doctor Chopra Says

De : Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, Dr. Alan Lotvin
Lu par : Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, Peter Larkin
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    As Faculty Dean of Continuing Medical Education at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Sanjiv Chopra provides the most up-to-date medical information to thousands of doctors from around the world each year. Now, in this book, he and Dr. Alan Lotvin bring this important, life-changing information directly to people everywhere, so that you too can benefit from the best, most reliable medical knowledge available today.Not every study that the media reports on is reliable, and Drs. Chopra and Lotvin show readers how they can tell which ones to pay to attention and which to ignore. In this book they explore medicine’s most controversial and exciting subjects, revealing new breakthroughs that affect your health and debunking the myths that you’ve always wondered about. It answers questions about a wide range of topics.

    Highlights include:

    • Food and Drink: Is coffee a lifesaver? Is there really a "best" diet for you?
    • Drugs, Vitamins, and Supplements: Does Vitamin D prevent cancer? What supplements have value, and which are a waste of money? (Hint: almost all of them!)
    • Medicine: What cancer screening methods are effective? What's the truth about stem cells?
    • Alternative Medicine: Does acupuncture work? Can meditation or yoga make you healthy? 
    • Health Risks: Can cellphones cause tumors? Is it dangerous to drink from plastic bottles?

    Using only the most current, most trustworthy scientific studies and interviews with the world's top authorities, A Longer Life, A Healthier Life explodes dozens of medical "facts" we all believe and provides surprisingly hopeful information about the latest research breakthroughs.

    ©2010 Dr. Sanjiv Chopra and Alan Lotvin (P)2010 Macmillan Audio

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