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  • Defunding Old School Network Marketing

  • 12 Crazy Network Marketing Stories that Explain Why Building Big Seemed Impossible Before, but How a Simple ... Strategy Can Lead to a Whole New Ballgame!
  • De : Aaron Vincent
  • Lu par : Aaron Vincent
  • Durée : 2 h et 46 min

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Defunding Old School Network Marketing

De : Aaron Vincent
Lu par : Aaron Vincent
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    They say that an idea passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident. For years in network marketing, we’ve heard our mentors repeat this motivational phrase. The truth is that network marketing is changing, and has been, for some time. 

    With this book, you’ll learn some lessons that many of your network marketing leaders and legends may not want you to hear. They are still reluctant to embrace such a seismic shift in daily methods of operation, and they don’t want you distracted by a strategy that they cannot teach you. But this is not about their feelings; this is about your right to pursue the thing that you were excited about for so long: freedom. New school network marketing utilizes internet strategies to recruit, sell, and duplicate your efforts in a manner that can hyper-charge and automate your results. Do you keep your options open?

    ©2021 Aaron James (P)2021 Aaron James

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