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Couverture de Death in Windermere

Death in Windermere

De : Nora Johnson
Lu par : Rayner Bourton
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    Multiple murders. Multiple suspects. No proof.

    DI Barbara Forster is investigating a chilling cold case, but what at first seems an isolated child's death soon becomes a conspiracy of secrets and lies. And not only does she have to outmaneuver the agendas of powerful associates, including investigative journalist Alice Myers, who is hell-bent on a major scoop, she also has to confront the demons of her own past.

    Within days, three young women are found dead in suspicious circumstances, leaving behind suicide notes, and Barbara finds herself caught up in one of the darkest, most harrowing cases of her career.

    Lives are torn apart and relationships fractured as Barbara attempts to track down the prime suspect. Soon she is thrown into a massive cat-and-mouse chase with no end in sight. Is a copycat at large? Who will be the next victim? Every minute counts as the number of victims continues to rise.

    But it is only when Barbara and Alice begin working together that the truth starts to emerge about this small, isolated community and its harrowing past and present. And it is Alice who puts her life at risk, going undercover in her search for the truth and justice for the victims, confronting, among others, a famous TV soap opera star.

    Drawn into a terrifying web of deceit, Alice faces a frantic race against time when another young woman goes missing, following a treacherous path that leads all the way to the fast-paced, explosive climax of tragedy, terror, and despair.

    Murder and mystery, drugs and sex, secrecy and sensationalism, all unfolding against a background of small-town ambitions and big-time egos in a fraught tale of wrecked lives, family tragedy, and moral consequences.

    False memories, false confessions, and false accusations converge on a small Lake District town in...Death in Windermere.

    Latest in the popular, gritty psychological crime thriller series.

    ©2022 Nora Johnson (P)2022 Nora Johnson

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