Nora Johnson

Nora Johnson

Nora Johnson was born in Hampshire and studied Languages to post-graduate level at the University of London and Law in Los Angeles. A freelance journalist and columnist, she is the author of psychological suspense and crime thrillers: The De Clerambault Code (examines stalking), Soul Stealer (identity theft) and Retribution. In Retribution - the latest in the journalist Alice Myers (from Soul Stealer) series of crime fiction thrillers - Alice investigates the sudden, unexpected death of her closest childhood friend, Ellie, in an isolated, close-knit community. “An intricately-plotted thriller that draws you in to turn the pages faster and faster and in which the mystery unfolds layer by layer, the author juggles motives and suspects, tension and suspense, keeping you guessing right until the surprise ending ... A pacey and edgy thriller with unexpected twists and turns and excellently drawn characters. A very satisfying read. Next in the Alice Myers crime series and the best yet!” (Retribution, EuroWeeklyNews, 2013) Soul Stealer, Nora's first crime thriller, explores the hot topical issues of identity theft, violence, death and delusional behaviour. "This well-written, relentlessly enjoyable page-turner delivers all the emotional drama, unforgettable characters, tension and can't-put-it-down pacing you expect from a superior psychological suspense thriller." (Soul Stealer, Gabrielle Devon, EuroWeeklyNews, 2011) The De Clerambault Code, a stand-alone psychological suspense thriller, examines not only the nature of obsessive delusional behaviour but also the problems of human trafficking and adolescent thugs. "The tension builds up with inexorable detail to an astonishing climax in this compulsively readable, intelligent thriller where suspense is ratcheted up cruelly right until the final pages." (The De Clerambault Code, June Arch, EuroWeeklyNews, 2010) As her website ( indicates, Nora gives all profits from the sale of her novels to Cudeca (, a Costa del Sol cancer hospice which, like charities everywhere and especially in Spain, is suffering in these tough times. Nora is keen to do whatever she can to help. So, if you have purchased any of her novels and enjoyed them, please help her to help Cudeca by writing a review(s) on Amazon to encourage potential buyers to go ahead and make a purchase. Every little helps as they say and your review could make all the difference! Thanks so much for your support. More information about Nora can be found at
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