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Couverture de Deadworld Isekai 2: A Sci-Fi LitRPG Adventure

Deadworld Isekai 2: A Sci-Fi LitRPG Adventure

De : R. C. Joshua
Lu par : Daniel Thomas May
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    The author of How to Survive at the End of the World continues this fast-paced isekai series about a dead man who somehow ends up in charge of a dead world . . .

    When Matt Perison first came to Gaia, everything was wrong and dangerous. He was promised redemption and repayment for dying of cancer, but that turned out to be a lie. He was promised a nice place in which to exist, but instead he got death. He was promised, in all ways, good. But what he has, in all ways, is bad.

    He's made the best of it though. Aided by his system guardian, Lucy, and the dungeon system itself, Barry, Matt began to build a life for himself. He's getting pretty good at surviving in a place where nothing else is alive. But surviving isn't all there is. So Matt's finding the time to make improvements to his new home. And he's beginning to have hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

    There's only one snag. The system instance on Gaia is out for revenge, and a nightmare from Gaia's distant past is returning to wreak havoc once again. Now, Matt has to learn that life is about learning how to thrive—and finding a way to do so when even survival is in doubt . . .

    The second volume of the hit LitRPG fantasy series—with over two million views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 R. C. Joshua (P)2024 Podium Audio

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