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Couverture de Daylen of Brunhylde: A Tale of FéLorën

Daylen of Brunhylde: A Tale of FéLorën

De : Galemine Gremn
Lu par : Angus Scott
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    To be born a wizard is to be born into a life of servitude, to be a pawn under a king's control. Daylen has chosen otherwise, to live as a rogue wizard. However, a life of freedom will come at a heavy price. History has shown he is destined to live a life in hiding, to be forever on the run, and to have his life cut short at the hands of a Mageslayer. Perhaps the worst outcome of all, is the likelihood that he would never realize his full potential; as a wizard, or simply feel at home in the world.

    Unbeknownst to Daylen, Fate has other plans. Whispers of a long forgotten path and the opportunity for awakening will reveal itself. The way will be arduous. The sacrifice will be extraordinary, but it is the only way to unlock his full, mystical potential. It is the way of virtue, the way to awakening...the way of FéLorën.

    ©2021 Galemine Gremn (P)2023 Galemine Gremn

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