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  • Spid the Spider Joins Sir Francis Duck and His Pirates

  • Spid the Spider
  • De : John Eaton
  • Lu par : Angus Scott
  • Durée : 38 min

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Couverture de Spid the Spider Joins Sir Francis Duck and His Pirates

Spid the Spider Joins Sir Francis Duck and His Pirates

De : John Eaton
Lu par : Angus Scott
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    Spid decides to spend a day fly fishing with his friends, but the ferry isn’t running because of bad weather. So when a kindly stranger offers them a free ride on his big ship, Spid’s delighted. However, nothing is as it seems. And as a fog rolls in across the sea, Spid and the gang find themselves in very deep water …

    This audiobook features two songs: 'Sir Francis Duck' and 'The Trip'. You can also find music videos of the songs at and

    Spid is a lowly spider, who wants to better himself, write songs, and marry his girlfriend Bid, though he is prone to hilarious mishaps mostly of his own making. He is hard-working, cool, and a role model for young children. As well as encouraging children to read and love books, Spid's adventures also teach valuable life lessons, including determination and what psychologists call a 'growth mindset' (desire to better oneself and succeed), the importance of friendship, and sustainability. With very creative prose, Spid's adventures are fun for parents, and teachers to read to, and with, their children. They present lots of opportunities to invest dramatic license thus helping adults and children interact and engage. The humour works at multiple levels from silly and slapstick to more sophisticated wordplay and concepts. Thus, children will discover more and enjoy reading the stories multiple times. For more resources to entertain and help children learn to read, grow and succeed in life, go to

    ©2024 Spidling Productions Ltd (P)2024 Spidling Productions Ltd

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