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Couverture de Christian's Look Back at Life

Christian's Look Back at Life

De : James Bonk
Lu par : Jonathan Lee Taylor
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    A Christian Fiction Novella on Life and Death

    Christian Flager thought he had it all. A loving wife, an adoring son, and a comfortable life in a sleepy town. But a horrible accident changed all that. Now, he finds himself with an incredible and terrifying gift - the ability to relive any moment from his past simply by thinking about it. But, as he soon discovers, his newfound ability is more of a curse than a blessing, as it causes him to drift further and further away from the ones he loves.

    Desperate to break free from his prison of memories, Christian discovers a special treatment center that helps people with his condition. With the help of his new sponsor, Michael, he begins to confront his past in hopes of reclaiming his future. But as he gets closer to his goal, dangerous forces arise to stop him.

    Christian must battle his own memories and a mysterious enemy if he is to leave his past behind and win the fight ahead.

    Fans of Stephen King's The Shining and Dean Koontz's Watchers will love this psychological thriller with a Christian twist. Buy now and experience the amazing journey that Christian Flager embarks on!

    ©2022 Anthony James Bonk (P)2024 Anthony James Bonk

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