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Couverture de Light of the World

Light of the World

De : James Bonk
Lu par : Jonathan Lee Taylor
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    In a world where terrorist attacks lead to government crackdowns on religious freedom, Matthew Light stands firm in his faith. With a powerful terrorist organization rising against them and the public opinion quickly turning, Matthew's faith is tested on every level, as he and his family rebuild their church—and their lives.

    Will the Light family be able to withstand the enemy's attacks and rebuild their church, or will they be swept away in the tide of religious persecution? Follow Matthew Light and his family in this gripping story of survival and faith.

    If you enjoyed the suspense and action of This Present Darkness, you'll love the Light family, as they fight for their faith in Light of the World. Buy now, before the price changes!

    ©2023 James Bonk (P)2023 James Bonk

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