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Couverture de Chew on This: Bite-Sized Stories About Nutrition

Chew on This: Bite-Sized Stories About Nutrition

De : Brooke Bussard MD
Lu par : Anna Klein
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    A fun and refreshing approach to learning how food choices impact our health. Confusion around nutrition leads consumers down a variety of paths in search of optimal health. Dr. Brooke Bussard presents information with clarity and a new down-to-earth approach. Using entertaining and imaginative characters, she illuminates the effect of food choices on a person's well-being.

    Listeners finish the book with the pertinent knowledge needed to eat for improved health. Dr. Bussard guides the listener with medical knowledge and nutritional facts that both amaze and enlighten. She specializes in healthy eating and she's written this "not-your-typical" book on nutrition to help others break free from common misconceptions.

    With 12 entertaining chapters, listeners are educated on important nutritional topics. From protein to carbs, and from fruits to leafy greens, current information is shared through conversations among the interesting characters. Chew On This will inspire you to try a new way of eating, with no pressure or preaching, just good old-fashioned common sense and up-to-date information.

    ©2023 Brooke Bussard (P)2023 Brooke Bussard

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