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  • Chanting Mantra Meditations as a Form of Self Care for the Mind, Body, and Soul

  • Inner Peace, Stress and Anxiety Relief, Deep Sleep
  • De : Paula M. Zimmer
  • Lu par : Lauren Henry
  • Durée : 9 h et 36 min

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Chanting Mantra Meditations as a Form of Self Care for the Mind, Body, and Soul

De : Paula M. Zimmer
Lu par : Lauren Henry
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    Welcome to a more powerful, insightful, and peaceful you.

    In this audiobook, Chanting Mantra Meditations as a Form of Self Care for the Mind, Body, and Soul, you will be learning positive meditation practices that will help you be more present and aware of what is happening in your mind and body. You will learn how to remove stress, anxiety, and quiet an overactive mind. This audiobook contains the 20 chants with instrumentals and vocals for you to chant along with. They range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes in length and you can access the chants and use them as often as needed. By implementing chanting mantras into your daily self-care routine, it can bring an increased level of growth and self-awareness. Chanting Mantra Meditations as a form of Self-Care for the Mind, Body, and Soul will help you build better habits and guide you through verbal meditations to enrich your quality of life and bring you in alignment with inner peace you desire.

    You will learn about the science behind the healing power of chanting meditations, the history of each mantra in this audiobook, and how to use the mantras in different areas of your life. Release any inhibitions you may have about starting your meditation journey and join me in this relaxing, easy-going, step-by-step audiobook to develop, foster, and advance your state of mind, body, and soul.

    ©2022 Paula M. Zimmer (P)2022 Paula M. Zimmer

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