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Couverture de The Love Ball Game

The Love Ball Game

De : Jacia Kornwise
Lu par : Lauren Henry
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    In “The LoveBall Game—Embracing Yourself and Embodying Your Soul” authored by Jacia Kornwise, embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, embodiment, and self-love. With Jacia’s wealth of wisdom and personal insights, this transformational guide offers a heartfelt exploration of the human experience, delving into the intricacies of personal growth, resilience, intuition and embodiment. She encourages listeners to embrace their unique life stories and cultivate self-love.

    Drawing from her own experiences as a multiple trauma survivor, Jacia’s empathetic guidance resonates deeply. She helps you to navigate the complexities of personal growth offering insights and wisdom on how to reconnect with yourself and learn how to re-embody your intuition and instincts. She introduces you to a metaphorical game of love and life for transforming stuck points into embodied resourcefulness. This book serves as a powerful guide and testimony to finding a true romance with love and life and to fully embody the resilience of your soul’s journey.

    Jacia Kornwise is a Master Embodied Soul Coach, Transformational Experience Facilitator, and TEDx and Keynote Speaker, with an impressive 31-year career dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and groups transform their stuck points into resilience and embodied resourcefulness to begin to deepen their own embodied listening.

    Jacia received her Bachelor’s in English Lit and a teaching certification from the University of Michigan, her Master’s Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and her Master’s Shadow Coaching degree with the late Debbie Ford. She is a trained and certified 5 Rhythms Movement teacher by Gabrielle Roth and the Moving Center School. She studied and trained in a variety of somatic, breath, and mindfulness-based tools. She’s a Mom to her beloved son Devon and a dog Mom to her puppy Yoda.

    For further information go to or follow @jaciakornwise

    ©2023 Jacia Kornwise (P)2024 Jacia Kornwise

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