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  • Cannibalistic Sexbots from Space: The Full Trilogy

  • De : Don Unger
  • Lu par : Bill Franchuk
  • Durée : 4 h et 2 min

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Cannibalistic Sexbots from Space: The Full Trilogy

De : Don Unger
Lu par : Bill Franchuk
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    A murder investigation quickly morphs into a national security crisis!

    NYPD Homicide Detectives Rahim Percy and Bobby Sullivan thought they’d seen it all; then they walked into a murder scene where “the body” was a layer of pink ooze splattered on an apartment wall.

    They quickly come into possession of a video that changes their question from “Who could have done this - and how?” to “What could have done this - and why?” As their investigation rapidly spins into a much larger, and more disturbing, set of questions: They’re not always sure they want the answers. 

    The addition of Detective “Bug Boy” Harris and Medical Examiner Samantha “Sammy” Singh bumps their partnership to a quartet. When FBI agents Milhouse and Stein show up, the four of them are close to kidnapped. They find themselves in a Federal bunker, outside Atlanta, staffed by soldiers in insignia-less, black uniforms, led by a General in a blue, pin-striped, banker’s suit.

    Can they figure out what’s happening?

    Can they figure out how to stop it? 

    And - turns out: good thing they do, but - why do the French have their own constellation of GPS Satellites?

    Percy and Sullivan need answers.

    And they’re running out of time.

    ©2017 Don Unger (P)2019 Don Unger

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