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Couverture de Business Model Shifts

Business Model Shifts

De : Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lockitz, Roland Winjen, Maarten van Lieshout - designer
Lu par : Graham Rowat
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    Six ways to create new value for customers

    Uber and Lyft took over the streets in San Francisco, providing a seamless and frictionless experience to get around. Few yellow taxis are left to serve tourists. Amazon shifted its business model from selling books to delivering convenience 24/7 at attractive prices. Driven by the viewing behaviors of their users, Netflix shifted from renting and shipping DVDs to producing original content like Narcos

    All of these changes are business model shifts. A shift is a deliberate and systematic move toward more relevance and value for customers. Business Model Shifts is a collection of stories about value creation, sharing inspiration and insights from more than 100 leading business models. The collection of stories is organized in six ways to create new value for customers: the Services Shift, the Stakeholder Shift, the Digital Shift, the Platform Shift, the Exponential Shift, and the Circular Shift. 

    This book triggers you to think and act strategically, shows what you can learn from business models inside and outside your industry, and urges you to apply those learnings to make your own shift. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.   

    ©2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2021 Gildan Media

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