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Build to Last

De : Keith Callahan
Lu par : Keith Callahan
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    Build to Last is not an introduction to network marketing. It’s the missing piece for many would-be top network marketing professionals. 

    The super successful build with the mindset of a CEO while everyone else builds with the mindset of an employee. If you are willing to do the work, Build to Last provides a step-by-step guide to becoming a leader who achieves enormous success in your network marketing business.  

    You will learn: 

    • The mindset and philosophy of top network marketers 
    • How to identify and push past your limiting beliefs
    • How to lead yourself so you can lead others
    • How to attract leaders into your business
    • How to mentor and develop leaders
    • How to push those you’re mentoring past their limiting beliefs
    • How to create financial and time freedom
    • How to earn a six - or seven-figure income year after year

    Following the detailed guidance Keith Callahan offers in Build to Last, he went from bankruptcy to seven-figure success in his network marketing business. During nearly a decade in the industry, he has mentored many people on his team of 30,000 distributors to six - and seven-figure success. 

    With Keith Callahan’s book, you can build a network marketing team that allows you to help the most people and earn the highest, long-term, stable income. The end goal is a business that thrives for years to come and does so - here’s the important part - with or without you.  

    ©2019 Keith Callahan (P)2019 Keith Callahan

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