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  • Bring on United

  • Ferguson’s Golden Generation in their Own Words
  • De : Andy Mitten
  • Durée : 10 h et 14 min

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Bring on United

De : Andy Mitten
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    The story of how Manchester United conquered all, by the players who won everything

    The Champion’s League, the Club World Cup, 6 Premier League Titles, 1 FA Cup, 3 League Cups and 4 Community Shields … and one legendary manager from Rio to Rome, 2000-2010

    This is the story of one of the greatest eras in the history of England's greatest club through the eyes of the players who made it happen. Not just the big wins, the cup finals and the trophy parades, but the half-time rows, the mad pranks, the boozy nights out and the training ground bust-ups.

    Andy Mitten has tracked down eleven of the stars from those Premier League and Champions League winning teams to open the door to both the dressing room and boardroom at Old Trafford as the club emerged as the dominant force in English football.

    Bring On United is an astonishingly candid and revealing insight into the workings of English football's greatest winning machine. More than that, it as lively and entertaining sports book as you'll ever come across.

    ©2024 Andy Mitten (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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