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  • Obsessed: The Autobiography

  • De : Johnny Sexton
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de Obsessed: The Autobiography

Obsessed: The Autobiography

De : Johnny Sexton
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    'Sexton will go down as Ireland's greatest ever player' Gordon D'Arcy, Irish Times

    No Irish rugby player has ever achieved more, or been a source of more inspiration to teammates and fans alike, than Johnny Sexton. All of this would have seemed highly unlikely as late as May 2009, when – aged 24 – he was nowhere near first choice at Leinster, and still uncapped by Ireland.

    In his hotly anticipated autobiography, Johnny will tell the story of his life, and explore the sources of his unmatched will to win. The Sexton era – marked by four European Cups, four Six Nations championships (and two Grand Slams), unprecedented victories in the Southern Hemisphere, two stints for Ireland at number 1 in the world, and the World Player of the Year award – was above all the time when Leinster and Ireland went from being underachievers to being overachievers. Always outspoken on and off the field, Sexton will offer an honest look at his childhood, his sometimes unpromising-seeming early experiences in club and professional rugby, his relationships with key teammates and coaches (including Brian O'Driscoll, Paul O'Connell, Joe Schmidt and Andy Farrell), and his ideas about the game.

    ©2024 Johnny Sexton (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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