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Couverture de Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

De : Willie Deeanjlo White
Lu par : Matthew White
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    Breaking the Cycle is a bold statement to a lost generation that lends to the strength of the phrase “Train up a Child”! With our young people being bombarded by images of violence and sex on a daily basis, this workbook is designed to help them develop the type of biblical foundation that will stand the test of time.

    When you build on the foundation of God’s word, not compromising to win popularity, the results in that person’s life can only be describe as power. Breaking the grip of sin requires the power of God, and only God can break this cycle of sin we’re in! This tool can be used by all ages and prayerfully will thrust you into a solid fundamental grasp of the need to be fruitful in your walk!

    ©2019 Willie Deeanjlo White/Higher Ground Books & Media (P)2020 Willie Deeanjlo White/Higher Ground Books & Media

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