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Couverture de Man Made by Grace

Man Made by Grace

De : Willie Deeanjlo White
Lu par : Matthew White
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    Man Made by Grace is a play on the concept of how to become a man of God and the grace that God has given to man.

    Acknowledging Christ in 1993 was a decision that at the time I believed that I did on my own, for myself, but nothing could have been farther from the truth. It is and was the awesome love of God that drew me into awareness of the need, but it was the foundation of love that prepared me for his grace.

    We often say that God does not need me, and we tell our children that it is their freedom to choose what they believe. It is in those traps of low self-worth, independency, and freedom of choice that Satan is gaining leverage. God has spoken to me with many plans to break the bondages of the adversary, and in this audiobook we take the journey of revealing the truths of interdependency and brotherhood strengths needed to nurture and develop the attributes of the God-centered man. Each one teach one...we need each other...”Iron Sharpeneth Iron”!

    ©2019 Willie Deeanjlo White/Higher Ground Books & Media (P)2020 Willie Deeanjlo White/Higher Ground Books & Media

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