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  • Braxton's Plan

  • The Journey to the Cure Continues (Braxton's America, Book 2)
  • De : Stephen Marks
  • Lu par : Will Stauff
  • Durée : 11 h et 12 min

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Braxton's Plan

De : Stephen Marks
Lu par : Will Stauff
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    Our world suffers from numerous diseases. Two of which are Type 1 diabetes and U.S. politics.

    Completely unrelated you say? That was the case until July 15, 2012. The day Lucas Braxton received a diagnosis of T1D. A diagnosis which proved to be the catalyst for a most remarkable six-year period unlike any other in American political history. And a period unlike any other for those living with the life-threatening disease.

    In Book 1 of the BRAXTON'S AMERICA series, BRAXTON’S TURN, following his son’s diagnosis Jonathon Braxton began a journey to seek an understanding of why, despite hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. government research funding, the medical research community did not know the cause, nor have a cure for T1D. It was a journey which would take him from successful tech sector entrepreneur and philanthropist to the halls of Congress, where he would encounter the powerful obstacles of greed, politics, and the financial interests of Big Pharma.

    In Book 2, BRAXTON’S PLAN Jon, unexpectedly and improbably, ascends to the Presidency. From the Oval Office he begins to engage those who he sees standing in the way of the cure. Entrenched government actors and powerful pharma executives, menaced by Jon’s presence and rise in prominence, striving to protect their embedded interests. They see Jon as an existential threat who must be destroyed. Jon sees his adversaries as diversions to be marginalized by his wit and humor.

    Jonathon Braxton was not, and never would be, a politician. He went to Washington to find the cure for Type 1 diabetes. It was not foretold his journey would lead him to the precipice of fixing U.S. cultural decay as well.

    ©2024 Steve Marks (P)2024 Steve Marks

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