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Couverture de Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

De : Dr. Farshid Zandi MD, Krystal Roth DNP APRN AGCNS BC
Lu par : Will Stauff
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    Home Sweet Home: Keeping Your Loved Ones Out of the Hospital Navigating Transitional Care Management with Humor and Heart By Krystal Roth, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC, and Dr. Farshid Zandi, MD

    Transitioning from hospital to home can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Home Sweet Home is your guide to navigating Transitional Care Management (TCM) for a smooth, healthy recovery during the first 30 days post-discharge. Written by healthcare experts Krystal Roth and Dr. Farshid Zandi, this book combines professional insights with humor to make your care journey informative and enjoyable.

    What You’ll Find Inside:

    Essential Guidance on TCM: Learn why TCM is crucial for reducing hospital read missions and promoting better health outcomes.

    Building a Care Plan

    Diet and Exercise

    Managing Chronic Conditions

    Support Systems

    Humor and Healing

    Future Trends in TCM

    Practical Resources

    Meet the Authors: Krystal Roth, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC, provides holistic, patient-centered care with evidence-based treatments and support.

    Dr. Farshid Zandi, MD, specializes in preventative care and technology-enhanced healthcare delivery.

    Together, they lead Early Script Telehealth, a service dedicated to accessible telehealth solutions for TCM patients.

    Why Choose This Book?

    Whether you’re a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional, Home Sweet Home offers valuable insights and practical advice for a smoother, more effective transitional care process. Embrace better health with expert guidance, resources, and humor.

    Get your copy today and start your journey to a healthier, happier home! Perfect for improving the transitional care experience and ensuring a successful recovery, Home Sweet Home is the ultimate guide for navigating the post-discharge period with confidence and ease.

    ©2024 Farshid Zandi (P)2024 Farshid Zandi

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