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  • Body Language: The Essential Guide on How to Analyze, Influence, Read & Persuade People Using Proven Strategies

  • De : Tom Anderson
  • Lu par : Jason Belvill
  • Durée : 4 h et 13 min

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Body Language: The Essential Guide on How to Analyze, Influence, Read & Persuade People Using Proven Strategies

De : Tom Anderson
Lu par : Jason Belvill
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    Do you want to master the art of reading people around you and know what they are thinking? Do you want to influence people, in any situation, using body language?

    “A phenomenal guide, making the massively influential skill of body language accessible to anyone.” (Carly Luger, Author)

    The human body always leaves clues that give away the mental state of an individual. In this best-selling guide, you're going to learn how to interpret even the most subtle of body language cues and decrypt human subconscious communication like a telepath.

    “This book takes the guesswork out of understanding human nature. It allows anyone to learn how to use proven body language tips and psychological techniques to enable you to read people like a book!” (Tom Grant, Ex-FBI)

    Filled with deep insights into human psychology and packed full of practical advice, this guide will enable anyone to accurately analyze a person's body language and decipher their feelings.

    “....a book which allows you to easily and quickly learn the fine art of understanding people and knowing how to handle any situation” (Ian Todd, Author)

    ©2019 Tom Anderson (P)2020 Tom Anderson

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