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  • The Charisma Guide

  • How to Be More Charismatic in All Areas of Your Life. Learn the Skills of Charm to Be a More Sociable and Likeable Person.
  • De : Tom Anderson, Angelina Williams
  • Lu par : Jay Myers
  • Durée : 3 h et 36 min

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The Charisma Guide

De : Tom Anderson, Angelina Williams
Lu par : Jay Myers
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    Unlock the charisma code and learn how to start living life as a more likeable, successful, sociable, and charming person.

    In this best-selling guide, Tom Anderson and Angelina Williams hand you the step-by-step blueprint to living life as an alluring, fascinating, and engaging person.

    In The Charisma Guide, you're going to discover:

    • The three key elements of charisma
    • Real life case studies
    • Quickly develop charisma skills today
    • Charisma skills for introverted people
    • Body language
    • Charisma at work
    • Confidence and quickly overcoming shyness
    • Communication skills for any situation
    • How to talk to anyone, about anything, in any situation!
    • The power of small talk
    • And much more!
    ©2021 Tom Anderson (P)2022 Tom Anderson


    “This should be essential reading for everyone who wants to have a better life.” (Tom Ferris, author, speaker, and businessman)

    “Interesting, realistic and vital to get ahead in life.” (Belinda Carson, Chicago Today)

     “...therefore we have zero doubts about recommending this book to anyone who wants to have people drawn to them, in everything they do.” (Stephen Green, Melbourne Times)

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