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  • Bob the Robin

  • A Love Letter to Britain’s Favourite Bird
  • De : Tony Putman
  • Durée : 6 h et 40 min

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Couverture de Bob the Robin

Bob the Robin

De : Tony Putman
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    'When a robin appears, a loved one is near'

    In 2019, Tony Putman was working as a gardener in Edenbridge, Kent, when he noticed a bold robin sitting on a branch of an old plum tree. The robin glanced in his direction as he approached, but he didn't move, so Tony grabbed his camera and took a photo. This would be the first of hundreds of photos that Tony would take of Bob the robin - and the start of an extraordinary friendship that would last for years.

    As Tony shared his pictures on his social media account, Putman and Robin, he witnessed an outpouring the love - not just for Bob, but for robins everywhere, who populate our gardens with song and movement even on the direst winter days.

    In this book, Tony shares his touching journey with Bob, and tells the story of our unwavering affection for these magnificent creatures. This is an informative book about the life of a robin, as well as a beautiful love letter to these spirited and lively birds - who offer us a connection with nature, a moment of contact and a great source of comfort and joy.
    ©2024 Tony Putman (P)2024 Octopus Publishing Group

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