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Couverture de Trees in Winter

Trees in Winter

De : Richard Shimell
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    'Trees in Winter by Richard Shimell is a wonderful, beautiful book for anyone who loves printmaking and nature. In this book Richard demonstrates his great skill as a printmaker, artist and writer, with the story of the paths taken to find his art as engaging as the images themselves.'

    'A wonderfully honest, evocative, inspiring book about a life transformed and enriched by nature and by art.' SARAH WATERS

    'The clarity of Richard Shimell's words perfectly matches that of his pictures, making this a magnificent book in which to lose yourself, and succumb to the wisdom of the trees.'
    MIKE PARKER, author of On the Red Hill

    TREES IS WINTER is about the healing properties of nature and of walking, especially during the coldest season, when the inclination is for so many of us to stay indoors. It is also about the joy of learning a craft and practising it.

    Featuring over forty of Richard Shimell's stunning prints, this beautiful book captures the intricate beauty of British trees in the colder months.

    Richard also shares the deeply moving, personal journey that led to him becoming an artist, as he reflects on how he connects with the world around him, and finds creativity through his walks in nature.

    'Through the pages of Trees in Winter, Richard shares his prints and takes us on his own personal journey and how his love of walking in wild places and being a part of nature has helped him to deal with life. Richard also explains how these experiences have been instrumental in his becoming the professional printmaker he is today. This book is an absorbing read which spoke to me in many of my own life situations - I thoroughly recommend it!'
    JANE SPINK, author of Nature Imprinted
    ©2024 Richard Shimell (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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