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Couverture de The Wrath of the Sea

The Wrath of the Sea

De : Jeff Pfalzer
Lu par : Daisy Clifton
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    The warm glow of the setting sun cast a golden hue over the Harrington's cozy living room, filling it with anticipation and excitement. Martin Harrington, a diligent and protective father with graying hair and a determined expression, sat at the head of the room, his strong build accentuated by the flickering firelight. His eyes sparkled with a mix of pride and concern as he glanced at his family gathered around him.

    Emma, a tall and athletic woman with long brown hair and compassionate eyes, radiated bravery and resilience. She smiled warmly at Martin before turning her gaze to Lily, their adventurous and imaginative daughter. The young girl's sparkling blue eyes shone with anticipation as she danced in place, her blonde curls bouncing with every movement. And then there was John, the inquisitive teenager with messy dark hair and glasses, whose intelligence and cautious nature marked his every word.

    "Can you believe it? Our very own sailboat adventure!" Martin said, his voice filled with excitement. "This trip is going to be one for the books."


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