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Couverture de The Hidden Temptations

The Hidden Temptations

De : Jeff Pfalzer
Lu par : Jennifer Gonda
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    Amelia sat anxiously in Dr. Benjamin Carter's cluttered study, her hands nervously twirling a lock of her chestnut hair. The room was filled with dusty artifacts and books that held the stories of ancient civilizations. It was a place she had spent countless hours with Dr. Carter, her mentor and trusted guide in the world of archaeology.

    "Amelia, my dear," Dr. Carter said, pushing his spectacles higher up his nose. "Tell me again about this recurring dream of yours."

    Amelia took a deep breath, her green eyes shining with excitement and determination. "It's always the same, Dr. Carter," she replied, her voice tinged with both fascination and unease. "I find myself standing in a dense rainforest, surrounded by mystery and beauty. There's a pull, an irresistible energy drawing me deeper into the jungle."

    Dr. Carter leaned back in his worn leather armchair, his gaze fixed on Amelia. "And what do you think it means, my dear?"

    Amelia hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I think it's more than just a dream, Dr. Carter. I believe it's a calling, a sign that there's something waiting for me out there, something extraordinary."

    ©2024 Jeff R Pfalzer (P)2024 Jeff R Pfalzer

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