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  • Advanced Growth and Product Strategies for Technical B2B SaaS Founders and Execs

  • Practical Insights to Drive Revenue with Strategy, Psychology, and Tactics
  • De : Richmond Wong
  • Lu par : Richmond Wong
  • Durée : 6 h et 47 min

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Advanced Growth and Product Strategies for Technical B2B SaaS Founders and Execs

De : Richmond Wong
Lu par : Richmond Wong
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    The real-world, battle-tested concepts in this book focus heavily on influencing your buyer’s psyche (i.e. their “operating system”) so that you enjoy:

    1. Faster conversion of prospects
    2. More effective up-sells and cross-sells
    3. Improved customer retention and loyalty
    4. A stronger market position
    5. Better prediction and shaping of buyer behavior

    You'll gain these powers

    1. Enhancing Product-Market-Fit: Align your product with market demands using the Light Switch and Dial Model
    2. Master pricing strategy for growth: Develop an effective pricing strategy that drives growth and beats competitors
    3. Increase conversion rates: Get more people buying with the "Can and Will" Promises framework
    4. Ensure long-term customer satisfaction: Use this 4-step framework to create buyer delight
    5. Leverage primal human instincts in marketing: Tap into the impulsivity of your buyer's childhood drives to create irresistible marketing campaigns to sell more (and more easily)
    6. Create and capture demand: Harness conscious and unconscious desires through new and existing fulfillment methods to generate demand
    7. Neutralize buyer skepticism about your product and build trust: Explain the “how” behind your product’s promises with clear, step-by-step details to reduce skepticism and build trust

    These insights - plus others featured here - are lessons I’ve learned and frameworks I’ve built through working with 150+ founders and senior decision-makers at startups around the world, along with enterprise-level clients.

    The Flexibility of Standalone Chapters

    Designed for busy company leaders, each chapter can be listened to independently, giving you the flexibility to focus on what's relevant to you now.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Nomad Markets (P)2024 Nomad Markets

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