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  • Self-Care for Teachers

  • Optimize Your Performance, Achieve Fulfillment, and Revitalize the Joys of Teaching Without Compromising Work-Life Balance
  • De : Learn and Teach Hub
  • Lu par : Scotty Kwas
  • Durée : 4 h et 21 min

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Self-Care for Teachers

De : Learn and Teach Hub
Lu par : Scotty Kwas
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    Are you a new teacher stepping into the classroom for the first time or a seasoned educator aiming to elevate your teaching game? This is your golden key!

    Are you embarking on the thrilling journey of shaping minds, seeking to revolutionize your strategies to work smarter—not harder—or searching for an unparalleled team-building guide? Your search ends here!

    Discover the Ultimate Resource Book designed to ignite passion, foster innovation, and build unbreakable team spirit in the teaching world. Welcome to the future of education, where excellence meets inspiration!

    In this insightful and practical book, you will discover:

    How to find fulfillment and joy in teaching (even on tough days) with the Le.AR.N. Method

    How understanding your stressors and how you cope can affect the way you handle stress and challenges inside and outside your classroom

    Why you should embrace technology and use it to enhance your work inside and outside the classroom

    How success is not the same for everyone, and why celebrating your small wins is as important as your big achievements

    Why consistency is the name of the game when it comes to taking care of your physical health

    Why you need a group of people who has your back and how to maintain and strengthen your relationships with boundaries

    Countless tips, advice, and strategies you can easily apply to shift the direction of your career and future

    And so much more!.

    ©2024 MinaDelGloria Publishing LLC (P)2024 MinaDelGloria Publishing LLC

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