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  • Purpose at the Helm

  • Mastering ESG Leadership for the Future
  • De : Thomas Huber
  • Lu par : ChasMandala
  • Durée : 5 h et 37 min

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Purpose at the Helm

De : Thomas Huber
Lu par : ChasMandala
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    In an era where global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and ethical governance demand immediate attention, the role of a leader transcends traditional boundaries. "Purpose at the Helm: Mastering ESG Leadership for the Future" is not just a book; it's a call to action for leaders ready to steer their organizations towards a future where success is measured not just by financial gain, but by positive impact on the world. This pioneering guide merges the critical elements of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) with the core principles of purpose-driven leadership. Through this lens, leaders are equipped to forge organizations that are not only resilient and ethical but also pivotal in driving societal and environmental change.

    In this book, you'll explore: Frameworks for Ethical and Purpose-Driven Leadership: Delve into the essence of crafting vision and purpose statements that do more than guide; they inspire. Learn how to articulate a vision that aligns with your core values and the wider needs of society, setting the stage for leadership that is both transformative and grounded in integrity. Practical Insights into ESG: Unpack the complexities of ESG factors and understand their profound impact on the business landscape. This book offers an in-depth exploration of how environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance excellence can be seamlessly woven into the fabric of your leadership style and organizational culture. Move beyond theory with practical exercises tailored to help you implement the book's insights into your day-to-day leadership challenges.

    ©2024 Thomas Patrick Huber (P)2024 Thomas Patrick Huber

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