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  • Psychic

  • Improve Clairvoyance, Intuition, Healing, Mediumship, Telepathy and Aura Reading with This Psychic Development Guide
  • De : Eddy Carter
  • Lu par : ChasMandala
  • Durée : 3 h et 5 min

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De : Eddy Carter
Lu par : ChasMandala
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    Become a powerful medium and amaze everyone with your psychic abilities!

    Have you ever wanted to be able to predict the future? 

    Or you have, perhaps, always felt like you're highly sensitive to other people's energies? 

    Are you interested in stepping into a mysterious world of telepathy and tarot reading?

    If so, keep listening. This audiobook will train your observation skills and intuition, teach you how to heal other's minds and emotions, and help you become a powerful psychic.

    We're not talking here about those corny, fake psychics you meet at fairs and parties. This audiobook will take you into the real spiritual and metaphysical world, full of possibilities if one knows how to travel through it.

    Let this audiobook be your guide on the journey to subconsciousness, past lives, and mind-reading. Think of it as a mentor, a powerful individual who walks the shadow-world with sharpened senses, can predict future events, and he's happy to share everything he knows with you.

    Here's what you'll know after listening to this audiobook: 

    • How psychic readings work, and why some psychics are better than others
    • The phases of psychic development you'll go through, and how to prepare for each one
    • How to increase clairvoyance abilities with simple exercises
    • Techniques for improving intuition, and developing a higher intuitive IQ
    • How to develop spiritual mediumship skills and perform successful seances
    • How to discover your inner telepath and methods for developing telepathy 
    • Methods to read auras, and recognize the subtle variations in shapes and colors
    • How to heal people close to you mentally and emotionally
    • And so much more! 

    The ability to anticipate future events and contact souls from the spiritual plane has unfortunately been used by a lot of questionable characters. People present themselves as psychics to become famous and make a lot of money. They present the real psychics in a bad light and make a lot of room for skepticism. Don't fall into that trap.

    Psychics have been around for centuries. There are numerous accounts and witnesses of their power. Now, you have the opportunity to join this exclusive club and unleash your full potential.

    Get this audiobook now and start exploring the world of psychic abilities!

    ©2019 Eddy Carter (P)2020 Eddy Carter

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