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Couverture de 100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget

100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget

De : Fiona Ferris
Lu par : Fiona Ferris
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    100,000 copy bestselling author

    If you desire to have more fun, luxury, ease and play in your life but don’t have extra cash to spare, this book is for you. As you listen, you will find out how to:

    Be savvier with your finances so you have more money available for the things that really matter to you.

    Elevate your mindset to achieve a state of elegance and luxury at a moment’s notice.

    Put into place simple but beautiful chic anchors to really feel like you are living your dream life but without spending anything extra.

    Your empowerment is in your hands.

    You get to choose the world in which you live. Would you rather it be magical and beautiful in preference to a staid and boring ‘normal’ existence?

    In this mini-book you will find one-hundred tips, ideas and reminders on how to live your most luxurious life on a budget, and a special bonus as well – 50 little extras at the end.

    If you are keen to uplevel how you live, please let me warmly welcome you in. Find out all my secrets how I have created a luxurious life for myself, even though I value thrift and simplicity. You can create any kind of reality for yourself too.

    ‘100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget’ is a quick, inspiring listen which you can finish within a few hours. You can put ideas into action immediately. Yes, this book offers instant gratification, but the good kind!Enhance how you live, call in your dream life today, by treating yourself to this book – click the ‘Buy Now’ button!

    ©2022 Fiona Ferris (P)2024 Fiona Ferris

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