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  • Financially Chic

  • Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget, Learn to Love Managing Money, and Grow Your Wealth
  • De : Fiona Ferris
  • Lu par : Fiona Ferris
  • Durée : 3 h et 10 min

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Financially Chic

De : Fiona Ferris
Lu par : Fiona Ferris
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    Does the topic of money and personal finance stress you out? Would you like to learn more about living an ‘expensive’ life on a budget? Instead of feeling constricted and broke when you are on a slim income or have debt to pay off, ‘Financially Chic’ invites you to look upon it as a fun and exciting adventure; where you gain as much enjoyment as possible for the least amount of cost, as well as learning to get ahead financially. It feels creative and satisfying and will set you up for a lifetime of good habits, no matter the age you are starting from.

    My wish for this book is that it encourages you to think about money in a way that makes you feel in control, uplifted and inspired to steer yourself towards a joyous and prosperous future. I want to share my contagious beliefs that dealing with your money can be fun and exciting. I know many women have a fractious relationship with their finances and can often be quite scared of dealing with things. I have felt that way in the past too. I do hope you will join me in this journey because it feels so much better to have a good relationship with your money than not.

    I love the saying 'Look after your money, and your money will look after you'. It doesn't have to be scary, and you don't have to worry about becoming greedy if you focus on your finances; all that will happen is that this important area of your life will feel happier, freer and more bountiful. It is a glorious feeling and well within your reach. I hope that by the end of this book you will be eager and enthusiastic about your own finances, in fact, I'm sure you will!

    ~~ Fiona Ferris

    ©2016 Fiona Ferris (P)2024 Fiona Ferris

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