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Couverture de Beans, Bourbon, and Blood

Beans, Bourbon, and Blood

De : William W. Johnstone, J. A. Johnstone
Lu par : Corey M. Snow
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    The sight of a rotting corpse hanging from a noose is enough to stop any man in his tracks—and Luke Jensen is no exception. Sure, he could just keep riding through. He's got a prisoner to deliver, after all. But when a group of men show up with another prisoner for another hanging, Luke can't turn his back—especially when the condemned man keeps swearing he's innocent. Right up to the moment he's hung by the neck till he's dead . . .

    Welcome to Hannigan's Hill, Wyoming. Better known as Hangman's Hill. Luke's pretty shaken up by what he's seen and decides to stay the night, get some rest and grab some grub. The town marshal agrees to lock up Luke's prisoner while Luke heads to a local saloon and restaurant called Mac's Place. The pub's owner—a former chuckwagon cook named Dewey "Mac" McKensie—serves up a bellyfull of chow and an earful of gossip. According to Mac, the whole town is run by corrupt cattle baron Ezra Hannigan. Ezra owns practically everything. Including the town marshal. And anyone who gets in his way ends up swinging from a rope . . .

    Mac might be just an excellent cook. But he's got a ferocious appetite for justice—and a fearsome new friend in Luke. Together, they could end Hannigan's reign of terror. But when Hannigan calls in his guns, it'll be their necks on the line . . . or dancing from the end of a rope.

    ©2024 J. A. Johnstone (P)2024 Tantor

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