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Couverture de Talons of Eagles

Talons of Eagles

De : William W. Johnstone, J. A. Johnstone
Lu par : J. Rodney Turner
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    "Solid, page-turning entertainment featuring a larger-than-life hero in MacCallister" from the greatest Western writer of the twenty-first century (Booklist).

    Divided they fall . . .

    Raised by the Shawnee, Jamie Ian MacCallister fought his way to manhood on an odyssey that took him from the Alamo to Colorado to the goldfields of California. Now, the United States is divided against itself—North against South, brother against brother, father against son. With his own sons fighting on opposing sides, MacCallister leads his Confederate Marauders into battle from Georgia to Tennessee, from Bull Run to Shiloh.

    When the guns of war finally fall silent, a vengeful enemy vows to add another chapter to the bloodstained pages of history . . . by hunting down the soldier named Jamie Ian MacCallister.

    "[A] rousing, two-fisted saga of the growing American frontier."—Publishers Weekly

    ©1995 William W. Johnstone (P)2024 Tantor

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