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  • Astoria: City of Moonlight

  • Shards of Aegis
  • De : A.J. Gibson
  • Lu par : Emma Faye
  • Durée : 1 h et 40 min

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Couverture de Astoria: City of Moonlight

Astoria: City of Moonlight

De : A.J. Gibson
Lu par : Emma Faye
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    When the Dark Elf comes, where will you hide? Guided by the Shards, she is unstoppable.

    Astoria was a peaceful kingdom until the day Aegis shattered and their world was destroyed.

    Lewis and Mia, the brave King and Queen of Astoria, survived the world's destruction. But their peace is threatened by the beautiful yet dangerous Dark Elf, who will stop at nothing to find the elusive Shards of Aegis.

    With the guidance of the Shards, the Dark Elf is unstoppable. Who will survive her wrath? Can Lewis and Mia protect their people and their treasure, or will they fall victim to the Dark Elf's power?

    Get ready for an epic adventure in Astoria: City of Moonlight, a thrilling new book that will take you on a journey through a world filled with magic, danger, and love. Don't miss out on this action-packed tale of survival, and triumph over evil. Get your copy now to discover the fate of Astoria and become a Shard Seeker today!

    ©2023 A.J. Gibson (P)2024 A.J. Gibson

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