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Couverture de Christmas Eve Love Story

Christmas Eve Love Story

De : Ginny Baird
Lu par : Emma Faye
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    Annie Jones is stuck repeating Christmas Eve until she finds everything she's been missing in life in this heartwarming time travel Christmas romance for fans of Miracle on 34th Street, Groundhog Day, and Josie Silver's A Winter in New York.

    Annie Jones works hard designing windows for iconic New York City department store Lawson's Finest. So when her Christmas window display gets upended by some rambunctious kids on Christmas Eve, the all-too-realistic store Santa gives Annie a little decorating tip on how to start over. With help from friendly security guard Braden Tate, Annie repairs the damage and heads home. But when she wakes the next morning, she's bewildered to find that it isn't Christmas day at all, but Christmas Eve all over again.

    Trapped in a time loop, Annie doesn't know how she'll ever make it back to the present. Luckily, she has an infinite number of chances to get things right. As little everyday choices bring her closer to Braden and to Christmas day, Annie starts to picture what her new life— one full of friendship, love, and community—could look like.

    ©2024 Ginny Baird (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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