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Couverture de As One Is

As One Is

De : J. Krishnamurti
Lu par : Mike Fraser
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    J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a philosopher in the original sense of the word, not an academic or intellectual, but a lover of truth who raised essential questions of living. He spent his adult life speaking to people around the world about eternal questions of life.

    In this series of eight talks, given in Ojai, California, in 1955, he confronts the confusion, habits, and assumptions of the human mind, and claims these lie at the root of all violence and suffering in the world.

    While these reflections were offered over 50 years ago, their meaning is as fresh and as relevant heard today. Krishnamurti discusses a world in which booming productivity and scientific advancement promise a happy future, but don't provide it. He points to the ongoing escalation of war, competition, envy, and territoriality despite gains in education, religious ecumenism, and the technologies of self-improvement. Ultimately and throughout, he asks his listeners to consider that all apparent progress of the self is not progress toward freedom, but a treadmill of illusion. Knowing one's mind, he asserts, through diligent self-observation, is the only way to freedom.

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©2007 KFA (Krishnamurti Foundation of America) (P)2022 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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