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  • Meditation: The First and Last Freedom

  • A Practical Guide to Osho Meditations
  • De : Osho
  • Lu par : Natalie Naudus
  • Durée : 10 h et 46 min

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Meditation: The First and Last Freedom

De : Osho
Lu par : Natalie Naudus
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    A fresh, modern re-imagining of the essential Osho meditation text

    For decades Meditation: The First and Last Freedom has been the essential guide to meditation and Osho meditation techniques. Developed specifically for a contemporary audience, this foundational guide shows that meditation need not be a specific “spiritual discipline” that is set apart from the real world. Rather, in essence, it is simply the art of becoming aware of what is going on inside and around us and developing the capacity to respond creatively to whatever comes our way. As we acquire the knack, meditation can be our companion wherever we are—at work, at play, at rest.

    This newly revised edition includes:

    - New meditations for daily practice, including many that can be seamlessly integrated into the activities of everyday life.
    - Updated presentations of the classic Osho Active Meditations, gathered together in one program for the first time.
    - Detailed instructions for each method, many with links to online tutorials
    - Vital active physical meditations such as the Osho Dynamic Meditation and Osho Kundalini Meditation.
    - Meditation techniques suitable for children.

    Whether you are an experienced meditator, a beginner, or just curious about meditation’s benefits, an introvert or extrovert, an intellectual or emotional type, this comprehensive guide offers a method uniquely suited to you, and the support you need to experiment with it.

    When mind knows, we call it knowledge.
    When heart knows, we call it love.
    And when being knows, we call it meditation.

    - Osho

    A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Essentials

    ©2010 Osho (P)2021 Macmillan Audio

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