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Couverture de Artificial Awareness

Artificial Awareness

De : Jonathan Sherman
Lu par : Andrew Dougherty
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    Artificial intelligence plays a major role in our lives now, and its pervasive influence spreads faster by the day. This book is for the curious who ponder not just how AI will shape our future but how we can shape AI to reflect our highest values and aspirations. It's for those seeking to understand the profound changes AI promises for our personal lives, careers, and the very fabric of society. And it's all told in an accessible narrative to inform and entertain.

    Get inspired to ask deeper questions, advocate for responsible AI development, and understand the digital currents that are sweeping across all aspects of our lives. Whether you are driven by concerns about AIs role in the future, a desire to navigate the new landscapes it will create with confidence, aspirations to harness AI for economic advantage, or a commitment to contribute to its ethical evolution, this writing seeks to arm you with knowledge, insight, and foresight.

    Inside we delve into:

    • What is AI and how does it work
    • AI's potential
    • AI and ethical concerns
    • AI ethical design and implementation
    • Organizational governance for managing AI
    • Solutions for supporting workers impacted by AI
    • AI regulatory frameworks
    • AI, emotions and consciousness
    • AI and anthropomorphism
    • Self-driving cars
    • Autonomous weapons
    • The outlook for brain-computer interfaces
    • The world of AI agents
    • The debate on technological singularity
    • Issues on the path to Artificial Superintelligence
    • How to use your voice to influence the future of AI

    And much, much more...

    If you want to be prepared for a future where artificial intelligence will transform our lives, Artificial Awareness is for you. Find the order button on this page and get your copy today.

    ©2024 Jonathan Sherman (P)2024 Jonathan Sherman

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